Friday, December 17, 2010

Baby Steps

So let's check on my progress so far. Probably the biggest thing I've done is make small edits to my list, a practice that I predict will continue throughout the year. Some changes are to make the list item more interesting, some to make it more realistic, some to make it more in tune with what I actually want. So far #4 (Watch "Casablanca") has been upped in intensity to Watch "Casablanca" in a movie theater on Valentine's Day. I'm seriously hoping that I don't have to do this alone, but if #1 hasn't been accomplished by then, this may actually become the hardest item on the list to achieve.
I've also tweaked #5 (Take a road trip with my sister.) to just "Take a road trip." I love my sister, but due to circumstances beyond my control, she lives with me now. I figure a road trip might be one of my few opportunities to not be with her, thus the tweak.
And, of course, one month in and I can already cross off one of my list items---#2 Start a blog. Now all I have to do is fall in love in another country, which I drive to, then decide to live permanently on pennies a day while I volunteer to read books instead of watch tv. And catch a showing of "Casablanca" on Valentine's Day :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The List

A couple months ago, my friend gave me a homework assignment (yes, the school nerd in me still likes getting homework). The assignment was to make a list of 10 things I want to accomplish in the next year. Easy enough, I thought. So I threw together a list of 10 things I wanted for myself in the next year.
List #1
1. Fall in love.
2. Fall in love.
3. Fall in love.
4. Fall in love.
5. Fall in love.
6. Fall in love.
7. Fall in love.
8. Fall in love.
9. Fall in love.
10. Fall in love.

The list was completely honest, at least. But I forced myself to think of 9 other things that were things I wanted for my life, things I maybe wanted to do for a long time and just never had, and things I knew I had to put on a list and send to someone 3,000 miles away in order to keep me on track.

List #2 and My Guide for This Blog and My Next Year...
1. Fall in love.
2. Start a blog.
3. Visit another country.
4. Watch "Casablanca".
5. Take a road trip with my sister.
6. Save $$, a set amount for me to know.
7. Move out of my hometown.
8. Volunteer at an event.
9. Spend one month without tv.
10. Read 24 books.