Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lackluster attempt

I know I've been gone a while...holidays, weddings, trips, etc, etc, etc. Excuses. The truth is I've been totally apathetic about writing even though I have about 10 posts already brewing in my head.
Today is a particularly sad and lonely day with seemingly no end. So I thought maybe if I do just one thing that I've been putting off, it might be a tiny step out of the darkness. When I write these posts, I think about all the words so carefully, I don't just write freely. I think that is what stops me from posting more often. But today, I'm just writing. This one is for me so it doesn't matter if the grammar is correct or the metaphors clever. I just need to get something up there. Perhaps as a kick start. That would be nice because those 10 brewing posts might actually be pretty interesting.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Baby Steps

So let's check on my progress so far. Probably the biggest thing I've done is make small edits to my list, a practice that I predict will continue throughout the year. Some changes are to make the list item more interesting, some to make it more realistic, some to make it more in tune with what I actually want. So far #4 (Watch "Casablanca") has been upped in intensity to Watch "Casablanca" in a movie theater on Valentine's Day. I'm seriously hoping that I don't have to do this alone, but if #1 hasn't been accomplished by then, this may actually become the hardest item on the list to achieve.
I've also tweaked #5 (Take a road trip with my sister.) to just "Take a road trip." I love my sister, but due to circumstances beyond my control, she lives with me now. I figure a road trip might be one of my few opportunities to not be with her, thus the tweak.
And, of course, one month in and I can already cross off one of my list items---#2 Start a blog. Now all I have to do is fall in love in another country, which I drive to, then decide to live permanently on pennies a day while I volunteer to read books instead of watch tv. And catch a showing of "Casablanca" on Valentine's Day :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The List

A couple months ago, my friend gave me a homework assignment (yes, the school nerd in me still likes getting homework). The assignment was to make a list of 10 things I want to accomplish in the next year. Easy enough, I thought. So I threw together a list of 10 things I wanted for myself in the next year.
List #1
1. Fall in love.
2. Fall in love.
3. Fall in love.
4. Fall in love.
5. Fall in love.
6. Fall in love.
7. Fall in love.
8. Fall in love.
9. Fall in love.
10. Fall in love.

The list was completely honest, at least. But I forced myself to think of 9 other things that were things I wanted for my life, things I maybe wanted to do for a long time and just never had, and things I knew I had to put on a list and send to someone 3,000 miles away in order to keep me on track.

List #2 and My Guide for This Blog and My Next Year...
1. Fall in love.
2. Start a blog.
3. Visit another country.
4. Watch "Casablanca".
5. Take a road trip with my sister.
6. Save $$, a set amount for me to know.
7. Move out of my hometown.
8. Volunteer at an event.
9. Spend one month without tv.
10. Read 24 books.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Apologies for the delay in posting. I hope to improve my punctuality :)

Now onto the post...I've had a couple of complaints that my first post needs some explanation and I agree. This isn't a pity blog. No one should feel sorry that I don't have my old job, I live at home, and I have no car. Amazingly, these were all choices I made. So a quick explanation:

1. No job--I quit my job. I don't have regrets over this one. I was moving to California and wasn't necessarily in love with the job anyway. Without quitting that one, I wouldn't have the freedom with the work I do now.
2. Living at home--After moving back to California, I quickly realized it was going to be a temporary stay. I figured it best not to commit to a lease or monthly rent and live at home instead. On top of the money saved, an added bonus has turned out to be the time I'm spending with my family. I haven't lived at home in years and (hopefully) won't ever do it again, so I'm enjoying it while I can. There's something very comforting about being at "home" so, again, no regrets.
3. No car--I have something even better than a car, a 2010 Lance Venice 150cc candy red scooter! California is definitely a place you need a car, but there are plenty of cities where you don't. In case I end up in one of those, I don't want to be tied down to a vehicle and its costs. And if any of you out there own a scooter, I know you feel me when I say...definitely no regrets!

Monday, November 15, 2010

365 Days

Exactly one year ago I lived 3,000 miles from where I live now in one of the coolest cities in the country. I worked at a good company doing a cool job. I had an apartment, a 401K, a monthly subway pass and plans every weekend with friends. I was also just a month away from being back in a relationship. Life was good.

Cut to today. I live at home in the ‘burbs. I don’t really work. I don’t own a house or a car or anything of real significance. My closest friends are now 3,000 miles away. Oh, and I’m single.

The point is that your world can be flipped on its head in just ONE YEAR. It can be a scary thought, but it can also be empowering. I can barely recognize my life from a year ago. But, at the same time, in just a year from now EVERYTHING can be different again. That’s what this blog is about. What can happen in one short year? Well, we’re about to see…